English and french flyers for the Dublin III sit-ins in Pariser Platz
Flyers to download /// Flyers zum Runterladen Mobi Pariser Platz eng Mobi Pariser Platz français

Statement from the Permanent sit-in against the Dublin III in front of the EU Representation at Brandenburger Tor – Berlin.
We are here because something is going wrong in Europe. Here we are the witnesses of the lies of the European Union: a space of free movement and security for Banks and Capitals and Terror and Death for the people at the external and internal borders. Here are the refugees who survived these borders,...
Prozesserklärung von Mbolo Yufanyi vorgetragen vor dem Amtsgericht Dessau an den zuständigen Richter Jürgen Zahn und die berüchtigte Staatsanwaltschaft Dessau-Roßlau
Foto: Thomas Kriska UHURU: Vielen Dank an alle diejenigen, die gestern mit uns im Amtsgericht Dessau gewesen waren. Dank an diejenigen, die den Kampf für Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit für unseren Bruder Oury Jalloh bislang unterstützt haben und weiter unterstützen werden.Wie ich schon zu Bruder Mouctar immer gesagt habe: “Wenn es um Oury Jalloh geht, haben...

Statement of solidarity with the African refugees in ’48 occupied Palestine
Statement auf Deutsch lesen إقرأ البيان التضامني باللغة العربية بیانیه به زبان فارسی را می توانید اینجا بخوانید The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants stand in strong solidarity with the massive self-organized protests of African refugees against the oppressive policies of the Israeli government. In the last weeks we were observing with...

Thousand demonstrieren in Dessau in memory of murder of Oury Jalloh / Tausende demonstrieren in Dessau im Andenken an den Mord von Oury Jalloh
Almost a thousand demonstrators took part in the demonstration to commemorate the anniversary of the murder of Oury Jalloh in the Dessau police station on 7.1.2005. The demonstration marched through the city from the main station through the courts and prosecutor´s office to the police station, where a film summarizing the case and the independent...

20,000 Refugees demonstrate in Tel-Aviv /// 20,000 Flüchtlinge demonstrieren in Tel-Aviv
20,000 refugees have demonstrated last sunday, the 5.1.2014, in Tel-Aviv, protesting the government´s policies of not processing asylum requests and imprisoning asylum seekers in detention centers without trail. (Video: a speech by a refugee from Eritrea during the demonstration) /// 20,000 Flüchtlinge haben am letzten Sonntag, den 5.1.2014, in Tel Aviv gegen die Asylpolitik der...

Refugees and activists demonstrate in Tegel airport /// Flüchtlinge und Aktivisten demonstrieren im Flughafen Tegel
Refugees and activists demonstrated last friday in front of terminal C in Tegel airport in Berlin against deportation flights carried out by the flight company “Air Berlin”. The activists held banners and shouted slogans, and a small group went and demonstrated inside the terminal. /// Flüchtlinge und Aktivisten haben letzten Freitag vor dem Terminal C...

Pressconference, Action & Demonstration /// Pressconference, Action & Demonstration
Pressconference, Action & Demonstration: 18.12.2013 11 am EU-Haus (Pariser Platz) 5 pm Alexanderplatz (Neptunbrunnen) Find attached the call for the Berlin Refugee Strike / Protest Camp at Oranienplatz for 18 Dec. 2013. We will make some actions and also hold a press conference at 11 AM at Europahaus at Pariser Platz. Later, at 5 PM...

Two thousands demonstrate in Berlin against the eviction of the protest camp in Oranienplatz /// Zweitausend demonstrieren in Berlin gegen die Räumung des Protestcamps am Oranienplatz
(15.12.2013) Around two thousands refugees and supporters marched on sunday from Oranienplatz to the office of the Senator of Interior Frank Henkel in Alexanderplatz protesting the planned upcoming eviction of the protest camp in Oranienplatz and calling for the demands of the striking refugees to be met, including abolishment of the restriction of movement, of...

Demonstration after refugee´s death in Heiligenhaus /// Demo nach dem Tod eines Geflüchteten in Heiligenhaus
Four days after the death of Kallo Al Hassan Kanu, who collapsed on sunday in the temporary refugee camp (German) in Heiligenhaus and in spite of repeating emergency calls of the residents had to wait too long for an ambulance, the refugees in the small city between Wuppertal and Essen have organized a demonstration to...

CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION: We are all Oranienplatz and we will stay all! /// Wir sind alle Oranienplatz und Wir bleiben Alle!
(Through Refugee Strike Berlin) This is a call for a big Demonstration on Sunday, 15th of December! We start at Oranienplatz. From there we will go together to Alexanderplatz. There is the administration office of the Senator of Interior Frank Henkel. (Senatsverwaltung für Inneres, Grunerstraße Ecke Stralauerstraße). And we will stay for a rally over night...

Oury Jalloh Memorial Demonstration /// Oury Jalloh Gedenkdemonstration
Demonstration commemorating the 9th anniversary for the death of Oury Jalloh. Gedenkdemonstration zum 9. Todestag von Oury Jalloh. Buses to demonstration /// Busse zur Demonstration: Alexanderplatz, Parkplatz Park Inn Departure /// Abfahrt 10:00 Oranienplatz, Kreuzberg Departure /// Abfahrt 10:00 Tickets against donation /// Tickets auf Spendenbasis You can reserve sits under: /// Plätze können reserviert werden unter:...